Please check the answers to the FAQs first before getting in touch!
Of course, If there's anything else you'd like to ask or comment on, please fill in the form, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can

STOP! Before filling out this form, read our FAQs page, and also please note:

a) include the name of the movie you are talking about
b) we don't speak Spanish / no hablo espanol, and have only basic grasps of French and German.
c) you can find places to buy the movies by clicking "shopping links" on the red menu bar
d) We do not hold ANY contact details for ANY member of the cast or crew of ANY movie featured on this site. Especially Yukie Nakama, though we wish we did.
e) The Ring is NOT based on a true story, Samara will not call you seven days after seeing the movie, and neither you or us will die as a direct result of watching the movie.
f) if you're rude, and don't use basic politeness, your email will not be answered

Your name?

E-mail address? (Make sure the address you give is spelt correctly if you want a reply)

Your message or question to the Snowblood Apple Team:

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